Monday, March 01, 2010

March's Habit

I must admit that I have loved February's habit. Waking up to a clean house rocks! And it was actually very easy to spend just a few minutes every evening making everything tidy. I hope this habit sticks around!

So on to March's habit....I like to call this one micro goal setting. I did this for a week or so at the end of last year and it really helped me get things done. Seth and I are going to keep a pad of paper at our bedsides and every night before we go to bed are going to write down five to ten things we want to accomplish the next day. These are going to be really small things. For example: start dinner before Seth comes home, spend 15 minutes cleaning my craft room, spend 10 minutes outside, wash off the counter tops, call my visiting teaching companion, clean all the toilets in the house, set up game night, etc.

When I did this before I always seemed to have one or two things that I couldn't get to, and that was fine. I just put it on my list of things to do for the next day. So my micro goal setting should be a pretty stress-free way of getting a lot of little things done. I'm pretty excited.


Anonymous said...

That is a very good idea! I think I may have to try it. Also, yes let's do St Patty day houses. Brett is just finding out his schedule and then I will call you!

The Clarks said...


Natalie said...

love it. I love that you're just doing it...every month...doing something different...something to improve.

Marisa Jean said...

Ambitious fool. Good for you. I'm quite content feeling completely unorganized in my life. :)

Mark and Lachelle said...

Go Tricia!! Keep those micro goals going! I need to do that!