Monday, December 12, 2011


Charlie is starting to get the concept of time. I can now ask her questions like "How long have you been awake?" or "How long have you had a poopy diaper?" and she will accurately tell me "long time" or "little time." (She is growing up so fast!) But in regards to time of day she still has no idea, but she doesn't like to admit she has no idea. If she hears me ask Seth a question dealing with the time of day she will positively answer, "Seven-eight."

"What time is it?" "Seven-eight."
"When will you be home?" "Seven-eight."
"What time did Charlie get up" "Seven-eight."

It is pretty much always seven-eight around here.

1 comment:

Marisa Jean said...

Whenever I hear things like this, I always wonder where in the world the kiddo came up with it. I love their perception of things.